2019. 9. 26 - 10. 13

Asian Film Academy 2019

2006 Alumni

Country USA
Name Stan  YAN
Gender M
Position cinematography, directing, screenwriting, Production Design
Originally conceived as a wannabe, Stanley Chapman Yan was on his way to an extremely dull and average life working for "the Man." Upon graduating from a prestigious university (University of California- Berkeley) Stanley Yan decided that he needed a change in lifestyle. It was widely known that the highlight of his day was trying to best his own score in Solitaire and Tetris. It was agreed that Stanley Chapman Yan would be too long of a name to carry for such a short life span. From that day forth the person would be known simply as Stanyan. During this time he would like to dabble in experimental videos and watch foreign cinema, but life isn't that easy now is it?
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